Monday, February 6, 2012

La Primera Dia

I know you were all so worried that we wouldn't make it through the church service, but we did. It was amazing what God did in the eight testimonies of our team members. Pam, Steve, Shawn, Cindy, Paul, Ive and Don spoke about why they come here to Culiacan. Emmanuel is in between pastors at the moment so our team provided the sermon. Almost all of our team members got very emotional when talking about how God works in such great ways and the relationships we have with these people. Yes, even the big, tough (adorable) men cried. At that time, I, Emily, turned to Nicole and Lucia and said "I love our team." Those testimonies really made me realize what the ministry has grown to and the impact it makes on any person involved.

A woman named Carol at Emmanuel had said to Carol Buckhout that the congregation is really discouraged at this time with no pastor and they need confirmation that they can make a difference. When Carol Buckhout asked  if our service had helped with that at all, Carol said that without a doubt it inspired the congregation.

After lunch at the church, we had a meeting with the women of Emmanuel about the crafts for VBS this week. The men played Cribbage. We then stopped at Walmart and went to the Templo Bautista Sion to celebrate the aniversary of the church. Many of our team members expressed how awesome it was to see people from multiple different churches all worshiping together and in one church. There were poeple from North Haven, Sion, Emmanuel, the church from Renato Vega, and few other ones that we didn't know.

We arrived at Papas Locas as the team from Worthington was finishing their meal. The new members on our team enjoyed the meal and almost everyone, as always, overate. We tried a new drink called Sorbada made with wheat and vanilla. It tastes like chocolate and caramel. It is delicious!

While at Papas Locas, Ulises told us that he, Lalo, Julio, Abram and some other men from  Emmanuel were going to play a game of futbol at a field a block down on the church rec team. We stopped by and watched the game for about 45 minutes. When we left, the score was 3-2, us.

When we got back to the hotel, we discussed the day during our daily rooftop meeting along with cathing up with some of the Worthington team. We had some major prayer requests and very good reportings of the days.

Prayer requests:

A women at Emmanuel told Cindy that her 10 year-old nephew was diagnosed with brain cancer last summer. He is not confined to his bed, not being able to speak. The woman said he has much faith and believes he will be healed. This father, however is not a christian and is compeletely devistated. She asked that we come to see her son and give the family encouragement and pray for a miracle.

After our morning service at Emmanuel, a women came in off of the streets asking for help and money for her "medicine" we were informed that she is addicted to drugs. Egla, from Puenta de Vida, he this women on her mind all day and requests that we pray for her, as she is imprisoned with this addiction.

Nicole Renee and Emily June


  1. Thanks for the updates - keep them coming. Hello from us and have a great week. Know that we are "with you" and praying for you and excited to see what God will do this week with your team. Hello to all and have some avena for me!
    Peggy and John

  2. It is nice to hear how things are going...we will be praying for all of you. Please keep us in your prayers as well...we are not there with you due to the fact that we are adding a new member to the Berumen family. We will go to the hospital tomorrow at 7am unless he decides to come out today on his own.


  3. Hola one and all in Culiacan -May your souls and minds be tuned to the Spirits leading- May your actions and words, eyes and touch, speak volumes of Gods care - May you see your shadow in the bright and glorious light of Christ's love. (John 16:15 "the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you")

    John D

  4. Yep it's me again. At lunch today I was reading my devotional guide which caused me to think of you all and all our little buddies in Progreso. The verses reflected on were Mark 10:13-16 verse 16 reads "He took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them." I have occasionally done this in Progreso as a silent prayer (of course not knowing much Spanish they would not have know anyhow). In closing my eyes and thinking of you all a beautiful picture developed in my mind that I feel compelled to share with you.

    First was seeing some of you doing this silently as I have, then intentionally taking some of the kids aside and in Spanish blessing them. Then finally as in a tight group - gathering the kids around, with team members dispersed in the group, with an arm around them, a hand on the shoulder, a kid on a lap, as one or more of the team give a blessing on the group of them in Spanish.

    So there you have it. Do with it as you are led. Wishing I was there to do some blessings.

    John D
