Saturday, February 13, 2010

¡El ùltimo dìa!

Hello friends,

Today was the last day that we are here in Culiacàn. And we went out with a bang!

After breakfast, we went to an area close to Emmanuel church that had several apartment buildings, 3 or 4 stories high with 4 apartments on each floor, with staircases open to the air and a plaza in the middle. We went with people from the church to invite them to Sunday services and to pray with them. One group talked to a man in a wheelchair who was drunk and sells drugs, some talked to people about how God has impacted their lives, and one group prayed with three or four people to begin having a relationship with Christ.

After lunch (everything seems to center around food on these trips!) we went to Chulavista and had a last-minute fiesta in a park. We got set up right when school let out, so children came running - literally - from every corner of the park to our fiesta. It was great! The biggest one we´ve had yet, and we didnt even invite anyone ahead of time.

We had our fancy Valentine's/Good-bye dinner tonight at Emmanuel with lots of people from the church. We heard from an older couple in the church, and sang our traditional good-bye songs that speak of always loving each other because we are family. We didnt leave the church until almost midnight...

and we leave the hotel at 6:30, so it is surely time to go to sleep.

Please pray...
  • For those who are fighting sicknesses, especially as we have a long day of travel ahead. We have found this to be the trip of headaches, perhaps from some bad backpacks...
  • For safe travel
  • For the people of Emmanuel, that they would be able to continue their work here with love and energy in all their relationships. They tell us all the time that it energizes and empowers them when we join them, but they are the ones who continue the work and relationships after we leave.
  • For the people we met over the week, that they would connect with Christians in their areas and experience the holistic transformation of Christ in their lives and communities.
I hope to write some time after we safely return. And include more pictures again!

Peace and blessings.